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Wednesday, 14 October 2009

Codes And Conventions Of A Magazine Front Cover

A magazine usually consists of different elements such as ‘ingredients’ that all adjoin together to make a successful production.
These elements consist of:

A Masthead: The title used by known typography to make the readers become familiar with what magazine they are reading.

Main Image: Typically consisting of a leading artist(s) or band(s) within the music genre of the magazine, to attract readers.

Strapline: Seen as an introductory headline below the main title (the masthead), to give an insight to the magazine.

Top and Bottom Strip: These are the strips below and above the magazine that give further information to what may be included in the magazine. Mostly being the interesting parts of the magazine.

Pug: ‘The ears of the magazine’, can either be at the top left or/and right-hand corners of the front cover. The prices of the paper, the logo or a promotion are positioned there or even a freebie is placed there to catch the reader’s eye. When the reader is to open the magazine it is likely that they are too see the pug this of which can aware them on the positive aspects inside the magazine.
Tag: This doesn’t have to be on the front cover but I believe that it makes the magazine more efficient as the word or phrase is used to engage a reader’s interest in a story by categorising it e.g. ‘Exclusive’, ‘Sensational’, this showing that the magazine has high compliments.

Coverlines: The essential articles inside the magazine are stated through sell lines, these are regularly seen at the right hand side of the cover.

Left Third: The left third contains the main feature article (Exclusive interview or ‘Puff Piece’), as this is the core part of what may be inside the magazine. It also includes the main artist or band situated within.

Barcode/Dateline & Price: A dateline in which the date of publish and the price are shown, the barcode is just the importance of the retailer.

Keylight: Usually highlighting the main artist or featured lines, (Coming from the left hand side onto the right).

In the next blogs I shall analyse a certain magazine and talk about how codes and conventions are used to make it look efficient for readers.

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