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Tuesday, 15 December 2009

Evaluation Part 1

The title of the magazine:
- Realist New Grime

  • Why is it called that?
    ‘Realist’ meaning the magazine includes actual lifestyles and authentic information within the articles. Also the fact that nothing in the magazine is fake, it is all genuine to read.
    ‘New’ obviously meaning whatever is contained throughout the magazine, is the latest of news/gossip/events. Everything is fresh and up to do date.
    ‘Grime’ this implying to the buyer that it is a grime genre magazine, because of the title of the magazine.

  • What are the significant words?
    This question has been summarised briefly in the first question.
    I would say out of all the words of the title, the significant one would be ‘New’ as this shows that the magazine is a highly updated magazine with original information and gossip within the genre of grime.My audience feedback suggested that the use of 'new' was positive and made people feel they were getting something first.
  • What connotations do they have?
    It is seen that straight away the buyer knows what the genre of the magazine is. This of which is Grime.

The publisher of the magazine: BBC
I would choose the institution of BBC to publish my magazine. Due to research, I believe that this institution is highly efficient as:
1. It is well known as all of my feedback recognised and cited the BBC
2. It can target a certain age group successfully, again feedback suggested that the BBCA has a recognised authority and ability to 'delievr' as an institution
3. As the BBC chooses to advertise their own productions, the magazine will be closely looked upon and seen in the mainstream and most retail outlets
4. BBC Switch supports the genre of Grime -feedback from my target audience shows they already know this
5. My magazine may be broadcasted around the world, as BBC tends to promote their things worldwide or in many countries

  • What other magazines (if any) does it publish?
    1. Top of the Pops
    2. Top Gear
    3. Girl Talk
    4. Cbeebies

  • What other media interests (if any) does it have?
    BBC News
    BBC – CBBC; Teenager children’s television programme.
    BBC – Cbeebies; Younger children’s television programme.
    BBC Switch; Aiming at older teenagers and young adults. Including similar lifestyles and beliefs/interests.
    Radio Stations; E.g. – BBC 1xtra, BBC Radio One.
    Feedback from my audience showed they would see the product on these channels as thi is mostly what they watch.

  • How much does the magazine cost?
    £ 2.50; an appropriate price towards the target audience.

  • How often is it published?

The target audience for the magazine:

  • What type of reader is it targeting?
    Older teenagers and also young adults.

  • How do you know this (look at types of articles and advertisements)?
    The artists on the front cover are portrayed to be the same age as the people who may be reading the magazine. Also the language is used for people who understand the type of speech that it contains. The fact that it may be published by the BBC, gives the idea that it is appropiate enough to produce to this certain audience.

  • How does the reader ‘interact’ with the magazine?
    The magazine includes competitions, a free poster, events information, insight to celebrities.

The cover of the magazine: I have changed the main image on my front cover of the magazine. Instead of the default image of the one male at the moment, I decided to change this to a group of females portraying female artists within the grime genre. This is because I wanted to change codes and conventions to the typical grime/hip hop magazines as they usually use a male figure on their front covers, instead I have used the female figures because I wanted to introduce the opposite gender’s success instead of the same old stories. I believe that females are also very successful in the Grime genre, these grime artists being, Mz Bratt, Lady Leshurr, Shola Ama and much more artists all sharing their music within the genre. This would target a female audience as well as a male one and my feedback was that women were intrigued by seeing an all female group on the front of a Grime product and would be attracted to it and therefore buy it.

Facial Expressions:
The PowerPoint of the different images converted in a slide show; display the different facial expressions that I experimented with. I was going for a sexy feminine look, as the females look into the lens aiming to lure male buyers.
The character, Frenzik is smiling, this gives the magazine an encouraging look as it is seen as positive and the artist is portrayed to have also that constructive personality.
The character, Chlo has a serious facial expression, this may suggest that she is serious about her music and therefore carries that attitude within her facial expressions.
The character Looney isn’t smiling or even has a serious looking facial expression. Instead she has a bit of both, this implying that she may carry both personalities that Chloe and Frenzik has.
The character Dazzla is looking into the lens like the other artists with a faint smile. Her head is tiltied slightly upwards showing that she may have a popular status and also has some sort of ownership over the genre of Grime, it is suggested that she is looked up to by the target audience of the magazine.

Body Language:
The long shot of the females are looking into the camera lenses to show the sense of ownership that they have with the magazine. They have positioned their bodies as if though they have sexy feminine attitude, with the hands on the hips, looking over the shoulder, showing off their female assets but very much in control od who and what they are. This challenges the typical sexual exploitation usually associated with urban music, my audience all commented on this positive represenation.
The midshot of the male on the contents page is looking away from the audience, this may suggest that he is focused on a certain career which is grime in this case. He could be thought tracking his success of being in the music industry.


Simple normal day to day clothing, but in a more fashionable way.
The use of jewellery and the latest fashion such as jeggings (jeans in legging materialistic style), ¾’d tracksuits, fitting vest tops, dungarees and also the models are wearing heels.
The male on the contents page is wearing a black jacket, and a cap. This is atypical view of a grime artist, what they wear and how it is represented. He is represented as having the latest clothing wear, that may cost money because it of a brand. The brand that he is wearing is the cap of which is ‘New Yankees’ the brand of which most people wear in the range of caps and hoodies. The brand of his jacket is ‘Timberland’, this is another popular brand that most males wear on a day to day basis. This gives a positive image towards my magazine, as the artist is promoting the look of two brands clashed together, which makes it look impressive.

The main image on my front cover was planned between me and my models, to act upon the role of female artists of the grime genre.
This was our brief planning in what they were to wear.

· Approximately 4 women on my front cover.

This is breaking the normality of the codes and conventions of a hip hop/grime magazine as you usually see males on the cover of the magazines.

Meeka: (Looney)
Denim dungarees
Gio Goi zip-up jumper
Blue tee with matching blue French knickers.
Footwear – Blue Pumps
She was to wear this as it shows that she can wear simple clothing, that still manages to look feminine. The fact that she is wearing dungarees and pumps instead of a dress and heels, makes sure that she fits into the genre of grime as most female grime artists wear this type of clothing. There is a “sexy” aspect to her image that is portrayed, the fact that her blue french knickers are showing represent her as a confident lady that is not afraid to portray sex appeal however it is done in a sophisticated way because she isn’t exactly naked or showing much flesh on the rest of her body. As you can see, her knickers match with her tee, this suggests that her personality reinforces that she liked to colour co-ordinate as many teenagers nowadays like to do because it makes them fit into the admired slotting of a set within the perspective of being popular.

Rochelle: (Dazzla)
Reebok ¾ jogging bottoms
Black vest top
Black leather jacket
Gold chain
Gold hoop earrings
Black open toe heels.
There definitely is a contrast between dresswear with this female artist, as she is wearing a tracksuit fitting with simple cotton wear; this suggests that she is able to get away with being feminine whilst looking so simple. She is wearing ¾ jogging bottoms; this implies that she is still promoting the typical genre characteristics of female women within the grime genre as they used to wear sportswear because it is seen that they feel comfortable wearing that type of clothing, furthermore because that is the type of clothing that they are usually displaying. She is wearing all black; however the gold jewellery brightens her image, it stands out against the black clothing highlighting the facial area. A black leather jacket stresses that she may have money to buy that type of clothing, leather usually costs a lot therefore her as an artists has money to buy it because she has been so successful in her career that she has gained the money to look good and represent herself in a positive way

Chloe: (Chlo)
Black leather jacket.
Light wash jeggings ; (Leggings that look like jeans).
Gold earrings.
Blue heels.
Grey Vestop.
The clothes that she is wearing are similar to what the character; Dazzla is wearing.
The vestop suggests that her dress wear is simple as it is nothing too fancy, however it is accessorised by a black leather jacket that gives her more of a wealthy look. Other accessorites such as earrings and the blue heels imply the feminity of the woman because most women wear earrings as a symbol of womanliness. Chlo also colour co-ordinated in her dresswear as the light wash jeggings contribute to the grey vestop which also contrasts with the blue heels.

Kasia: (Frenzik)
Again, she is wearing simple clothing. A vestop and jeans. The jeans are ripped showing a bit of flesh on the legs, this was a deliberate choice of clothing as normally women are represented with sex appeal, in a way this is seen as the same thing but she looks appealing in a classy, in control way. She isn’t wearing anything very outstanding however the necklace adds in style, that less is more, as she still seems to allure the buyer even though she is wearing basic clothing.

The main image on the front cover, has the models standing by/on a ladder. I used the ladder as a prop to show an urban setting to the magazine, as grime is seen as urban but also to imply that the females are on their way uo to the steps to success. The steps to the ladder, as the female artists are standing high, it may show their social status in music society, signifying that they have a high position towards music and their accomplishment is definitely visible.
A ladder is seen as something that helps builders to clim up to the highest point of something and construct it, I used the ladder for that very reason showing that the artists have the ladder there because the different steps have helped them become more known in the music industry, it is also used as a connotation of the streets, where the artists may have come from, a social background where they may not be recognised, on the the streets where most negative aspects are always displayed instead of positive. The ladder shows that they are comfortable with the their way of life, this might suggest that their music is more street, mentioning their own lifestyles because they are most secure to the outside. Being on the streets, exploring many things in the grime culture shows that music is not only achieved with having a high economical status, but what comes from the heart within your own traditions, it is possible for musically dedicated people with whatever status that they hold to get into the music industry.

  • What do they tell us about the target audience for the magazine?
    As I have used females, this may still attract the high percentage of a male audience, this is because they may find the image alluring, and therefore they would like to read more about these artists. Other audiences such as the female gender are also be targeted for this magazine, because of the support from the females on the cover; this may inspire many women out there that they can be successful in the music genre, especially in Grime. Also, they may want to also copy the style of the females on my magazine because of the yearning of wanting to become more like them.

  • What else appears on the cover?
    I have got rid of the two images in the bordered boxes; this is because I wanted to focus on the main image, as it is introducing something new. Furthermore, I did this in order to keep the cover simple; this is a similarity to most Grime/Hip Hop magazines, since they do usually have a focus on one main image. I was inspired to do this as well. The top strip and bottom strip has been kept the same, for the reason that I thought it was fine like that, it is a typical code and convention of a magazine. Coverlines are also seen on the front cover, this is another classic element of a magazine. I have included a slogan: ‘It’s Hot, Its Alot, Its Happening’. An arrow is clearly visible from the left hand corner of the magazine; this is to lure the buyer from when it is stacked up in the shops, as that is the side that they see first. It should say, ‘Ladies of Grime’ with a quote from them underneath, this is seen as a teaser to what is going to be in the following article. The cover also displays a barcode, a price reference and the date issue. It also has a sub heading to the masthead, that says ‘Most Wanted’, this can imply alot of meanings, one being the fact that the magazine is most wanted, in addition it can suggest that the main image of the female artists are most wanted.

  • Why are particular items in the magazine featured?
    I have deliberately chosen to put the price in a circle; this is because it adds design to the magazine. As it is a shape of a circle, this makes the magazine still look simple but also very clear. The pug is an additional teaser to the magazine, I was sure to add this to my magazine as it is yet another code and convention of a magazine. It tells the buyer that they can purchase free CD’s, this is another way to lure them as something free is definitely worth it, especially when it is a piece of technology.

  • Explain why particular typefaces, types of graphics, colours and other notable stylistic features are used.
    Graphics: Graphics such as the arrow was used to be an emphasis on to what is in inside of it, the text (as I have already talked about) has a high importance to the magazine therefore the arrow is a significant graphic because it brings attention to the buyer. The transparent technique of the slogan, makes awareness of the text but also highlights the fact that the main image is main and always to be the biggest attraction to the magazine.

    Colours: I have chosen to use different colours, this relating to the decision about using a female image of my cover. The colours consisted of:
    1. Purple
    2. Blue
    3. Dark Blue
    The purple is a bold colour, this of which both genders may choose to be their best colour. In a way it is seen more feminine because of the contrast and texture to it. The blue is seen to be a light blue, this connoting a masculine colour however, it still is seen to be a female favourite. I am a female, and I enjoy the colour blue. As you can see, the magazine is already targeted at a unisex audience because of the clever use of colour. The dark blue basically makes text and images stand out more.

  • Does the cover look similar to other magazine covers? If so, why? If not, how does it look different?
    It does have similarities to magazines of the same genre.
    For example, the Hip Hop Connection magazine. It is seen to have a simple and clear layout, always concentrating on a main image of the front cover. The black background is another positive similarity, showing a bold statement to the magazine. The fact that the main image overlaps the masthead, really does emphasise that the image has more importance than anything on the magazine however the size of the font used for the masthead is larger than any other text on the magazine, this suggesting that the magazines title has to be a known name therefore it is to be centred and outsized.
    My magazine seems to have a vibrant notion of looking to it; this is similar to the magazine ‘Vibe magazine’, even though the layout is quite simple, the colours and typography used shows a fun, enjoyable interaction to the magazine. I did break a normal code and convention to a typical Grime/Hip Hop magazine, the use of female faces instead of the male gender. This of which can be implied as different to a normal Grime magazine, however it still has a bold, masculine feel to it, because the artists show a strong personality within their facial expressions and body language in the image.

The ‘style’ of presentation of the magazine:

  • What do you notice about the magazine's presentation?
    The layout of the magazine is quite simple and the text is spaced out clearly, this is to make the magazine look attractive but also sophisticated in a brave form.

  • Does it look cheap or expensive?
    It does not look cheap, as most codes and conventions have been used wisely also the price of the magazine is an appropriate choose because the magazine consists of huge information on to what may seem highly known artists and CD’s within the Grime genre.

  • How does it compare with other similar magazines?
    It has the same sort of features to a similar magazine.

The ‘mode of address’ of the magazine:

  • How does it address its readers?
    It uses a top and bottom strip, these either selling a giveaway or promoting a celebrity.
    It has a pug, this of which gives the buyer another freebie, which is a great way to attract them because they are getting something for their money.
    The language that is used is understandable for the target audience as the slang used may be an everyday type of language to what the reader holds.
    Explanation marks are used to highlight a cover line; this is to make sure that the cover line has a high significance to the magazine.
    Alliteration is used for effective language skills; this makes the magazine look more appealing and sound much more interesting.

  • How and when are readers allowed to address the magazine?
    They can take part in competitions within the magazine, this stated within the cover lines. Their involvement with the magazine is very friendly, as not only one freebie, but two freebies are being sold. This making the magazine more engaging.

  • What types of articles/features does it contain?
    An article focused on one artist.
    An informational page about the dress sense that majority of the reader will wear.
    A competition page to win backstage passes.
    A teaser to meet new artists, inside may be an event planner or even another contest.

    What subjects are covered?
    Information on certain celebrities.
    The music genre itself; Grime.
    Gossip on new events.

The advertisements that appear in the magazine:

· What are the main types of products being advertised?
Backstage Passes

  • What is their price range?
    Less than £5.00

  • Who are they aimed at?
    People who enjoy music, especially in the genre of Grime/Hip-hop.
    Young adults.

  • What percentage of the overall magazine is taken up with advertisements?
    Most of the front cover advertises features of the magazine.

Representations in the magazine:

  • How are men and women represented?
    Men are represented in a more immense way than women, as this is a normal convention of a grime magazine because there are more male artists than women. The image of the male on the contents page takes up nearly the whole of the page, this is because I wanted to show that even though the cover only has the female gender on there, I was to still keep in the element of the magazine and feature the male to have a value.
    However, in this magazine, women seem to have a higher significance; this is because they are the main image on the cover and also have a featured article that must be read. Women are represented to be sexy, feminine and appealing but also having that strong, physically powerful look towards them, to suggest that they have ownership of the grime genre in this particular issue of the magazine.

  • Is there a limited range of representations for men and women? If so, what are they and why?
    There is more of a representation of woman than male; this is because they are more images of the females than male. However, I have used male names in the top strip and bottom strip also the content information, this is to keep on track that grime has a higher representative of males.

  • What groups do not appear in the pages of the magazine? Why?
    Rnb Artists
    This is because the magazine is strictly Grime/Hip Hop, and these groups do not share the same characteristics. My audience feedback was that they identified with one or more of the characters in the magazine and would be interested and attracted to the design. They felt there were characters there for all readers to choose from.

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